Jamaica's Under-20's hopes of winning the gold in Football in the Pan-American Games being held in Brazil, were dashed today, when they were beaten 2-1, by Ecuador.
Although Jamaica's Eric Vernon scored first, in the 5th minute of the game, Jamaica was only able to keep Ecuador at bay until in the 75th minute of the game, when Ecuador scored.
Then in the 84th minute of the game, a curious penalty was given to Ecuador by the referee. I say curious, as there was no physical contact from the defender's side, but from what I saw, the Ecuadorian player flung himself at the defender and then at the ground.
Ecuadorian captain, Edmundo Zura, scored the penalty, which gave Ecuador the gold.
Despite this disappointing result, I still say the young Reggae Boyz played well, as this was the first time in the tournament,that were conceding a goal and this was the first time that an English-Speaking Caribbean country, was playing in a Pan-Am Games Football Final.
(Jamaica beat teams like Argentina, Mexico and Panama, on their way to the final)...
They are now the proud holders of Pan-Am Games silver medals.
There are, however, two lessons to be learned from the above turn-of-events and I hope Jamaica learns them well:
Lesson #1 - Nothing in life is just given to you, you have to take it - especially in the world of sports - you never underestimate your opponent; you strategize, uncover and exploit your opponent's weaknesses and play your best, to out-compete him/her/them.
You never slack off, even if you're ahead, as you can never know what bag of tricks your opponent(s) will pull on you at the last minute - a bag of tricks that will cost you the game (as Jamaica has now learned, the hard way.)
Lesson #2 - Not because people in Jamaica are cheering you on, means that you have won.
Everybody likes winners - only winners names' are put on trophies, only winners go down in history...and that's the sad fact in life and in sports. Nobody remembers second-best.
When I watched the first half of this Football Final, I saw a confident set of young men on the field - young men who were overconfident due to the accolades Jamaicans had thrown at them, for their great performance in these Games.
Young men who were so overconfident, that when they scored the first goal, they didn't look to finish off Ecuador, by scoring a second and a third goal in the first half of the game. This overconfidence cost them the game.
They didn't display the killer instinct that's so necessary to win at sports.
Added to this, Jamaican coach Wendell Downswell, removed a key attacking player, early in the second half, that took the wind out of the Forward's sails - because Downswell too, lacked the killer instinct needed to win.
[He thought he had the match won with only 1-0 on the board - (Jamaica 1, Ecaudor 0). A very costly mistake for the Jamaican team.]
Let me say the following, to all Jamaican teams and their coaches, whether you be involved in sports or other competitions: please note this Football Final, and note it well!
Lack of strategic thought and action, will cause you to lose games!
If you don't have a game plan and a plan B or plan C, you will lose.
We have to learn to play and have no mercy on our opponents...
We must instill and hone killer instincts in our coaches, athletes and team members...for until we learn to play like this, we will always lose...we will always be second-best!...
Enough said.