Today, May 31, is being celebrated worldwide, as "World No Tobacco Day"...where people across the globe are encouraged to abstain from all tobacco products for at least 24 hours. (
...Yes baseball players this includes you! :) (Baseballers are famous for chewing tobacco when batting).
We, at Girl With a Purpose (GWAP) Blog, decided to do something a bit differently to celebrate the day.
Instead of writing a full post about World No Tobacco Day, we tweeted about it on @GWAPBlog.
We just wanted you to get a glimpse into some smoking tidbits that we thought you might find, very interesting!
Please visit @GWAPBlog for our tweets re this, today.
Oh and please feel free to leave your comments on Twitter (by pressing reply), or comment below this post (via the Comment link), re the above tweets...
Please also feel free to share it on Facebook, Twitter and on your other social networks...
Colonel Trevor MacMillan, former Jamaican Minister of National Security and former Commissioner of Police died today - he had been ailing for some time.
He will long be remembered by most Jamaicans, for the positive changes that he brought to the Jamaican Constabulary Force (JCF) as its Commissioner between 1993-1996.
(The Force was seen in a new light, as policemen/women were not only encouraged to treat all Jamaicans with human dignity, irrespective of social class, they were trained to do so and reprimanded when they didn't - e.g. with transfers, suspensions and dismissals).
Unfortunately, he was not able to continue the job of transforming the JCF, under a newly-elected PNP administration in 1997 and could not replicate it as Security Minister in 2007, under the JLP, due to a lack of political will and support.
He will be missed.
Girl With a Purpose (GWAP) Blog wishes sincerest condolences to his family, friends and former colleagues.
Well, well, well, yesterday's men's 100m race at the Samsung Diamond League Meet in Rome, Italy, was the opportunity for Asafa Powell to finally beat World and Olympic record-holder, Usain Bolt.
(Usain Bolt currently holds the world record of 9.58 secs in the men's 100m, which he set at the World Championships in 2009).
But true to form, Asafa's past haunted him, for he not only slowed down in the last fifteen (15) metres of the race, when he thought he had won...he underestimated Bolt's determination to win, and so Usain clipped him at the finish line.
So, Usain Bolt (in lane 4 in the above video), in his debut race for the 2011 Track and Field season, beat Asafa Powell (former record holder at 100m, in lane 6), to win the race in 9.91 seconds to Asafa's 9.93 secs.
(Asafa Powell was the first Jamaican to break the men's 100m world record in June 2005, when he ran 9.77 secs...a feat he was only able to replicate in May 2008, when he broke the world record, a second time, at 9.74 secs).
Bolt, who is just returning to competitive racing since recovering from the back injury he recieved in 2010, admitted after the race, that his performance yesterday, was sub-standard.
[Sports analysts on KLAS Sports FM 89, in Jamaica, predicted that Bolt would have run in the 9.9 range, seeing that this was his first competitive race in over nine (9) months.
But apparently, the Europeans were expecting him to run in the 9.7 range, yesterday].
Nevertheless, Bolt searched and reached for something deep inside himself to win that race, when he realized at 50 metres, that he had (according to the commentator), "underestimated the pace of the field" (the speed of the other runners).
Congrats to Usain, who once again showed the world that true champions know how to win and so rose to the occasion and did in fact win his race!
To Asafa, we say, well-tried...but Asafa, unless you start thinking like a champion, you will continue to be 2nd and 3rd-best.
Other Jamaicans doing well at the meet included:
Marvin Anderson, who came second in the men's 200m race in 20.49 secs. (The race was won by Italian, Andrew Howe, in 20.31 secs)
Jermaine Gonzales who came second in the men's 400m in 45.43 secs. (The race was won by Bahamian, Christopher Brown in 45.16 secs).
(I would like to thank PONdENDSfor the use of his YouTube inset video above, showing Usain Bolt winning the men's 100m race at the Samsung Diamond League Meet in Rome, Italy, yesterday).
Sources Include
1) Page, "Asafa Powell" on, accessed May 27,2011 Links Directory features everything Jamaican including recipes, a travel guide, flashbacks in history & culture, commentary, interviews and Jamaican news. All the links in our directory are direct, so they will improve your link popularity.