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Sometimes we get so bogged down with our problems, that we fail to put our lives and our problems into perspective.
Yes, our problems are important, but how we solve them is also important.
Some say that problem-solving requires us to think, "outside the box", for a solution, but how about, outside our planet?
We live in a big our solar system alone, there are eight (8) planets...some of whose behaviour, we're just beginning to understand.
It seems as if there are some planets in our solar system that buffer our planet (earth), against objects that would damage us.
Take a look at the above video, from MSN Today, will you?
You will see the planet Jupiter buffering earth against a meteorite.
Now, many will tell you that this is just a normal part of science...that these things happen as a natural course of our existence.
But I have a different that I'll share with you:
The next time that you face a problem that seems insurmountable...think on this:
What have you been doing to try to solve your problem?
Has this process worked?
How about trying a different source or method...your Creator...who not only created you, but the planet and universe in which you live.
(We live on earth which exists in a solar system, which exists in a whole universe).
If the God of our universe, so arranges it that earth can be constantly much more will He protect and guide you?
It does help you know, to consult with someone with millions of years of experience in dealing with our everyday problems - even the so-called insurmountable ones.
Why not ask Him to intervene in your problem?
...and give Him the chance to do so?
You may just get your answer through something someone else says, circumstances that change in your life, or by something you read.
Just wait on Him, will you?