Dear Friends,
Girl With a Purpose (GWAP) Blog expresses a hearty Jamaican thanks, to you all, for voting for us, in the Blogger's Choice Awards!
[Blogger's Choice Awards (BCA) give annual awards, in several categories, to blogs that make an impact in the blogosphere. Please read more about them here. (Blogger's Choice Awards'
main sponsor is .)]
We were nominated in the following categories:
1) Best Blog Design
2) Best Religion Blog
3) Best Parenting Blog
4) Best Blog of All Time
Nominations have now closed for 2007.
Unfortunately we didn't make it to the top three (3), for 2007, but with your help, we can for 2008!
Voting for 2008, is already underway. Please go to the right-hand-side of our posts,to the 7th section from the top
(entitled, "Please Vote For Us At Blogger's Choice Awards!") to nominate
and vote for us in the afore-mentioned categories!
The top three (3) nominees per category were announced on November 3, and the winners of all categories will be announced on November 10,2007, at PostieCon, during a special BCA VIP Party, at Tao Las Vegas.
(Please see the list of the top 3 nominees per category, here.)
Girl With a Purpose Blog congratulates all finalists and fellow-nominees.
We wish you, all the best, in your blogging efforts and in your continuing to provide our audiences with content that entertains, educates and inspires!
To our Girl With a Purpose (GWAP) friends who voted for us, thanks again!
To all our friends, please remember to nominate and vote for us, for 2008!...your support will enable us to get more exposure, so that we can reach more girls and young women, who need to be empowered!
Thanks in advance :).