God speaks to us all the time...it's up to us to recognize His still, small voice and to listen to what He has to say.
He speaks to us through:
- His Word, the Bible, in the loving instructions He's placed there, as a guide for us living successful and sanctified lives before Him
- The people we meet daily, who give words of spiritual encouragement or who make us look inwardly, as a result of some profound, spiritual statement made.
- Through the butterfly or moth that He allows to silenty flutters by our way, when we're distressed...or have given up on hope
- Our conscience, which is perked/peeked (and which says to us, "no, this is not right") when we're about to do wrong
- The beauty of nature: the lovely hills,the clouds, the sky, the river, seas, and the beautiful plants and animals contained within them
- Answered or unanwered prayer. (Answered prayer means "yes"; unanswered prayer means "wait" or "no".)
All these are constant remninders of God's loving care and kindness, and His abiding presence in our lives.
He just requires us to be still and quiet in order to hear Him...
Will you?