Silence...a very valuable asset to the essential for us to start to have inner peace.
The other piece of the puzzle is having a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.
Silence allows us to collect our many varied thoughts and reflect on a day that has passed.
But it is our right relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ, that allows us to reflect on what went right and what went wrong in our day and to think about the corrective measures we can put in place, to right those wrongs.
Some people are scared of silence, so they do everything to "fill in the gap"...with anything but it...
But it is futile to search for inner peace without knowing how to listen to that still, small voice that comes from God.
We listen to God through reading his Word - the Bible, by being still in His presence, by speaking to Him and allowing Him to have full control over our lives.
This must be done in a silent environment for us to really absorb what God has to say to us via our daily devotional and prayer-time and via reflection on the people He has allowed to come into our lives.
We listen to God by obeying doing what he has instructed in His Word for us to do in order to have peaceful and fulfilling lives....
Lives that will please Him...lives that will honour Him and lives for which we will get "well done" on Christ's second return.
We listen to God by trusting in His all-knowingness and that, because he created everything and that He knows us and our future, in entirety...He will lead us in the right direction.
Will u trust God today, so that you can really listen to Him, in silence?